Facebook Birthdays - Taking Advantage of Your Birthday on Facebook

Taking Advantage of Your Facebook Birthday

It’s your birthday on Facebook. Hundred’s of Happy Birthday wishes start flooding your wall and not only are you left with a huge smile on your face – but a bazillion notifications on your smart phone.

Everyone is happy when it’s their birthday on Facebook with the exception of one person.

The internet entrepreneur.

Not to say that they don’t appreciate the Facebook Birthday wishes, but their ability to use Facebook as a marketing tool for that day is entirely shot.

Bday with Ads Facebook Birthdays   Taking Advantage of Your Birthday on Facebook

I on the other hand, refused to let this stop me - AND came up with a brilliant plan to take full advantage of my birthday on Facebook. It’s the highest traffic your Facebook profile will receive in one day (due to the “Free advertising” you receive on everyone’s home page) but how do you stop your marketing efforts from being pushed to the bottom of the heap with the onslaught of comments?

I’m going to show you how I did so on my birthday, and how you can take advantage of your birthday on Facebook in order to promote your events, products, services etc. Plus, it’s your birthday, you can do whatever you want - and if anyone speaks out or judges you, they’re going to be seen as the jerk, right?

How to take Advantage of Your Birthday on Facebook

I’ll reveal the formula to my madness here, or you can simply go over to my website AvramGonzales.com to see how I crafted it.

I started with my objective, which was to sell people a possibility that had been making me some extra cash on the side over the past few months. In the process I also intended to collect as many emails as possible to follow up with people.

My plan was to create a video to post on Facebook, disable commenting on my Facebook wall so that the post was the first thing people saw on my page, and link it to my website for people to see the offer and opt-in to learn more. Oh, and I’d be getting paid on my birthday… how does it get any better than that??

Disabling the Facebook Wall

First step in this process is disabling the Facebook Wall.1st Step 300x243 Facebook Birthdays   Taking Advantage of Your Birthday on Facebook

  • Go to Account > Privacy Settings. Then click on “Customize Settings”
  • Scroll down to the “Things others share” section and uncheck the box next to ‘Friends can post on my Wall’

You’re done! Now only the content that you post will show up from others’ point of view (people can still tag you in statuses, videos, photos etc. but only you will see them).

Posting and Choosing Your Content

While you can do this with a status, or post a Facebook event - a video or photo is going to be even better. Here’s the video I posted on my wall for my Facebook Birthday:

Cheeky right? It’s fun, entertaining, and I get to tell people about how I’ve been making money and invite them to join in.

Below is a photo of my status update and reflects all the comments and “Likes” it received throughout the day.

Also, take note that there is a clear call to action and links to my page can be found in the status update, the description box, AND within the actual video.

What’s great about this strategy is that everyone is forced to write you happy birthday on your piece of content because they can’t write it on your wall. The Facebook algorithm automatically chooses content to display on your news feed based on a number of factors. One of the major factors is the popularity and interactivity of the post.

That means that pretty much EVERYONE that is friends with you will see your post pop up in their news feed when you do it like this because there are so many comments and the post is trending hot.

Not a bad way to grab some attention and move some traffic eh?

Traffic Chart Facebook Birthdays   Taking Advantage of Your Birthday on Facebook

When people visited my site, if they wanted to find out about my opportunity they had to opt-in to my list before they’d be taken to a hidden page which held all the details and a contact form for people to ask me questions. Things worked out beautifully as more than 15% of the people that opted in signed up for my business - and I didn’t even have to talk to them.

The Payoff

Essentially, I got a lot of traffic, a good number of new leads / opt-ins, and several new signups for my downline.

List Stats Facebook Birthdays   Taking Advantage of Your Birthday on Facebook

So that’s how I took full advantage of my birthday. I received everything that I asked for icon smile Facebook Birthdays   Taking Advantage of Your Birthday on Facebook

If you’re curious about what I offered everyone for opting into my list, or would like to see what I did on the back-end as a sort of “funnel” you can do so by opting into the form below!

What do you think about this tactic? Love it, hate it? Is it something you might do? Any other creative ideas for taking full advantage of your Facebook Birthday?? Share in the comments below!

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